20 Brent Seth

20 Brent Seth

The Creative Nomad with

Brent Seth

Why I loved this interview:

Brent is hilarious to talk to and a creative genius.


Brent D. Seth is an independent Author in the realm of science fiction and comedy. His first novel, Short Fuse released in 2015, followed by a collection of short stories, and most recently Loose Cannon, a sequel to Short Fuse, in 2020.

When he isn’t busy tapping the keyboard, Brent spends his time dusting the cello in his office, indulging in extreme (and sometimes vindictive) gardening, massing even more LEGO bricks to an already insanely large collection, and wishing he knew how to play the cello.

In his adult life, he has worked in retail, construction, and even a brief stint as a professional gardener. Although his sarcastic mouth often caused trouble for him in the workplace, it adds a certain distinction to his writing. He insists that anything can be funny from the right point of view.

Born in Bloomington, Illinois, Mr. Seth now lives in the Metro Detroit area with his husband and a mess of spoiled cats.

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